Cowford Catechism
On the Cowford Catechism podcast, we are diving into Scripture in order to define terms in love from a biblical perspective. We seek to equip the Church by defending doctrine, dispelling deception, and developing disciples.
Cowford Catechism
How to be a good church member
Church membership might not seem like an exciting or relevant topic, but it's one of the most important aspects of the Christian life. In this episode, we explore a church membership covenant and discuss how we can honor the Lord by following the biblical principles laid out for members of local churches.
Here's a link to the membership covenant we walked through: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/11lsumjsbfmuty43q8nwi/MISSIONWAY-MEMBERSHIP-COVENANT.pdf?rlkey=hm65isv0aag86nqfzvyzjvxlw&dl=0
Here's a link to the sermon on Giving that Kenny mentions in the episode: https://www.missionwaychurch.org/watch?sapurl=LytoeTJ6L2xiL21pLytjY204OXNrP2VtYmVkPXRydWUmcmVjZW50Um91dGU9YXBwLndlYi1hcHAubGlicmFyeS5saXN0JnJlY2VudFJvdXRlU2x1Zz0lMkI1cWM1ajN6