Cowford Catechism
On the Cowford Catechism podcast, we are diving into Scripture in order to define terms in love from a biblical perspective. We seek to equip the Church by defending doctrine, dispelling deception, and developing disciples.
Cowford Catechism
Leftovers: How do I know that God was leading me?
We often tell people that God led us to make a particular decision or do a certain thing. Can we truly claim to know when God is leading us? How do we know when God is leading us in a particular direction? How do we discern His will for us in specific situations? Let's talk about it on Leftovers!
You can also listen to our full-length episode on the miraculous spiritual gifts that we reference in this episode here: https://cowfordcatechism.buzzsprout.com/1341109/15073334-cessationism-do-tongues-healings-miracles-etc-happen-today